Item Not Found Exception Algorithm

The Item Not Found Exception Algorithm is a computational method used to handle situations where a particular item or element is not found within a data structure or a collection of elements. This algorithm is widely used in various software applications, databases, and programming languages to ensure that the system operates smoothly and efficiently without any unexpected crashes or errors. The primary function of this algorithm is to detect the absence of an item in a data set, and accordingly, trigger an exception or an error message that informs the user or the program about the missing item. This helps in maintaining the robustness of the system, as it gracefully handles missing data instead of causing abrupt failures. Implementing the Item Not Found Exception Algorithm involves designing a well-defined structure of error handling and exception throwing mechanisms. When a program searches for an item in a data set, the algorithm checks if the item exists in the collection. If it does not find the item, the algorithm raises an exception, which can be caught and handled by the program's error handling mechanism. This allows the user or the system to take appropriate action, such as displaying an error message, prompting the user to input a valid item, or proceeding with an alternative course of action. By using this algorithm, developers can ensure that their software is more resilient and user-friendly, as it prevents unforeseen disruptions in the program's execution and guides the user to resolve issues related to missing data effectively.
using System;

namespace Utilities.Exceptions
    /// <summary>
    /// Signs that sequence doesn't contain any items that one was looking for.
    /// </summary>
    public class ItemNotFoundException : ApplicationException